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25 April 2024

World Diabetes Day is commemorated annually to raise awareness about diabetes, promote prevention, proper treatment, and care, as well as to support individuals living with this condition. However, alongside medical challenges, social stigma also poses a significant issue for those facing diabetes. This stigma can have negative impacts on quality of life and diabetes management. In this article, we will explore some common myths about diabetes, as well as facts that support a better understanding of this condition.


  1. People with Diabetes Only Need to Improve Their Diet: This is one of the most common myths. While a healthy diet is crucial for diabetes management, assuming that it is the only factor to consider is inaccurate. Diabetes is a complex condition that affects the body as a whole, and its management often involves a combination of healthy eating, regular exercise, blood glucose monitoring, medication, and comprehensive health monitoring.

  2. Only Overweight People Get Diabetes: Although obesity is a significant risk factor for type 2 diabetes, it doesn't mean that only overweight people are at risk. There are many other risk factors that can lead to someone developing type 2 diabetes, including genetic factors, unhealthy lifestyle, stress, and environmental factors.

  3. Diabetes Isn't Serious: Diabetes is often perceived as a non-serious condition, especially if not well-controlled. However, in reality, diabetes can lead to serious complications such as kidney failure, blindness, nerve damage, heart disease, stroke, and even amputation.


  1. Diabetes Doesn't Discriminate: Diabetes doesn't discriminate based on age, gender, race, or social status. Anyone can get diabetes, and everyone living with diabetes requires support and understanding from society.

  2. Healthy Eating is Important for Everyone: While a healthy diet is a crucial part of diabetes management, it's also important for everyone to maintain a healthy diet to prevent various chronic diseases, including diabetes.

  3. The Importance of Community Support and Understanding: Social stigma can affect the quality of life of people with diabetes and hinder their management efforts. Support and understanding from family, friends, and the community as a whole are crucial to helping overcome this stigma.

Addressing the stigma associated with diabetes requires collective efforts from society as a whole. Education and awareness about diabetes can help reduce stigma and create a more inclusive and supportive environment for those living with this condition.

How to easily measure blood sugar?

Measuring blood sugar levels can be done easily and practically using a reliable Point of Care Test (POCT) tool for checking blood sugar profiles, such as the MultiSure GK Blood Glucose and Ketones Monitoring System. Here are the features and advantages of the MultiSure GK Blood Glucose and Ketones Monitoring System:

  1. Wide measuring range: 20 - 600 mg/dL (1.1 - 33.3 mmol/L) With a wide measuring range, the MultiSure GK Blood Glucose and Ketones Monitoring System makes it easier to monitor blood sugar profiles in both low and high conditions.

  2. Measurement time: 6 seconds The MultiSure GK Blood Glucose and Ketones Monitoring System can quickly read the blood sugar profile, allowing for more efficient determination of the next course of action.

  3. Sample volume: 0.6 μL whole blood With a very small sample volume and the use of whole blood cells, the MultiSure GK Blood Glucose and Ketones Monitoring System can show the blood sugar profile, minimizing the risk of excessive pain during blood sample collection.

With this information on its features and benefits, it is hoped that choosing a blood sugar measuring instrument using the MultiSure GK Blood Glucose and Ketones Monitoring System will be easier.


  1. American Diabetes Association. (2022). Living With Diabetes: Stigma.
  2. International Diabetes Federation. (2022). World Diabetes Day.
  3. World Health Organization. (2022). Global report on diabetes.
Blood Glucose
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