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05 June 2023

Product packaging is everywhere. This amount of plastic and other non-natural materials can cause environmental problems such as waste and pollution. But there is an alternative: eco-friendly packaging.



Packaging is an unavoidable part of everyday life. It contains and protects products, displays important information, acts as a marketing tool, and allows for safe transportatio and safe storage.

However, the unfortunate truth is that packaging is often viewed as waste. Another issue caused by non-environmentally friendly packaging is their manufacturing process. Not only is most of the plastic created by refining crude oil, but the degradation process is similarly harmful.

To fight these issues, let’s get to grips with the alternative: eco-friendly packaging. Essentially, it needs to be made from eco-friendly materials, biodegradable and able to be either reused or recycled. A key consideration of good packaging design involves the generation of less waste following the end of its’ useful life, whilst still helping consumers to use it and the contained products efficiently.



  1. Reduces Carbon Footprints

If it is made from recycled products, the carbon footprint of packaging will be greatly reduced. Similarly, if the packaging is made from natural materials such as bamboo or FSC-approved paper or cardboard, the growth of such products draws carbon out of the environment.

  1. Biodegradable

If the packaging is made from natural materials, this means it will be biodegradable. Plastic is not easily biodegraded, taking hundreds if not thousands of years to break down, releasing harmful chemicals on its way. Some eco-friendly packaging, such as sustainable paper products, will even be compostable.

  1. Easily Disposable

It is relatively easy to recycle nowadays. Separate disposables so they can be recycled properly.

  1. No Harmful Toxins

Non-sustainable petrochemical resources such as crude oil which is used to make most plastic, is incredibly harmful to the environment. In terms of both extraction, refinement, distribution, use and disposal. Eco-friendly packaging has none of these issues over its lifespan. As it biodegrades, harmful chemicals such as the ones produced by plastic are not present.

  1. Easily Reused or Recycled

Encouraging the reuse of packaging means that its lifespan is extended, which reduces the need for new materials, further lowering its carbon footprint. If the packaging is of good enough quality, it should be able to be reused for things like, storage, arts and even crafts.



UMONIUM38 is a disinfectant product with eco-friendly packaging.

Picture 1. Disinfectant UMONIUM38


Laboratoire's Huckerts as a manufacturer of UMONIUM38 disinfectants, is committed to making products that are risk free for operators, patients, equipment, and the environment.

UMONIUM38 disinfectant is formulated from essential oils and concentrated extracts of medicinal plants. It does not use CMR (Carcinogenic, Mutagenic, Reprotoxic) substances and is guaranteed to be non-corrosive and has a neutral pH. There are no toxic or harmful emissions to the environment in the manufacturing process for the UMONIUM38 disinfectant, the packaging is fully recyclable and contributes to the treatment of recycled waste, and is completely biodegradable.

The use of HDPE (high-density polyethylene) and the residues of sugarcane plants (bagasse) which remained after the extraction of sugar extract were chosen as packaging materials. Due to its low impact on the environment during its production and especially because it is very easy to recycle.

Picture 2. Sugarcane For Packaging


Picture 3. Packaging of UMONIUM38



The great characteristic of the sugarcane of which it is composed is that it allows a stiffness in the structure, which makes it very practical and safe. In addition, the result is biodegradable packaging that is harmless to the environment and has good durability and quality.

In other words, this type of packaging does not have a negative impact on nature, either during production or when it is disposed of.


If there is a need for a UMONIUM38 disinfectant that is eco-friendly and safe for operators, patients and the environment because it is Non-Toxic–-Non-Hazardous-–Non Corrosive-–Non Polluting, please contact us directly which is listed at the bottom of the website.






  1. GWPGroup. Recyclable Packaging
  2. Monouso. How are sugar cane containers made?
  3. Weavelabel. (2020). What Are The Benefits of Eco-Friendly Packaging?
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