Infectious Disease State

UMONIUM38® INSTRUMENTS quickly in removing organic impurities & decontaminating instruments with broad spectrum. Work effectively in eradicating the most resistant germs strains (MRSA, HIV, HCV, HBV, etc.). This superior product is known to be able to clean and eliminate biofilm and make medical device instruments sparkling. Not toxic, does not form toxic gas, does not potentially become an endocrine disruption. With pH 7 (neutral), maintaining instruments from the danger of corrosive. Can be decomposed in biological & eco-friendly. There are 2 variants of packaging: 1 L and 5 L. Recommended for the cleaning and sterile disinfection process; Medical & Surgery Instruments in the RS/Clinic/Ambulance/Lab/Veterarian Environment. PT Isotekindo Intertama is the official distributor of UMONIUM38® INSTRUMENTS and registered with the Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia.