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20 January 2019

Drug abuse in Indonesia is a growing number of cases. Throughout 2017, BNN has uncovered 46,537 drug cases throughout Indonesia. This is a problem that cannot be taken lightly because it not only threatens the survival and future of abusers, but also the future of the nation and the country, regardless of social strata, economy, gender, age or level of education. This drug abuse results in drug dependence, which according to the WHO is defined as "periodic or chronic intoxication conditions, resulting from repeated use of the drug (natural or synthetic). Its characteristics include:

  • The emergence of a strong desire or need to continue taking drugs and obtain them at all means.
  • Tendency to increase dosage.
  • Generally psychically dependent on the effects of the drug.
  • The damaging effects of self-harm and society.

Drugs stand for narcotics and drugs/hazardous substances. In addition to "drugs", another term introduced especially by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia is Napza which stands for narcotics, psychotropics, and addictive substances. Narcotics according to Law No. 35 of 2009 is a substance or drug derived from plants or non-plants, both synthetic and semi-synthetic, which can cause a decrease or change in consciousness, loss of taste, reduce to relieve pain, and can cause dependence.

Law No. 5 of 1997 on Psychotropics states that Psychotropics are substances or drugs, both natural and synthetic instead of narcotics, which are psychoactive efficacious through selective influences on the central nervous structure that cause typical changes in mental and behavioral activity. Other addictive substances are substances other than narcotics and psychotropics that can cause dependence on the wearer, including:

  • Cigarette
  • Other groups of alcohol and beverages are intoxicating and addictive
  • Thiner and other substances, such as wood glue, liquid erasers and acetone, paint, gasoline that when inhaled will be intoxicating. 

To detect whether a person is taking drugs or can not be done a test by using a drug rapid test tool as a preliminary test and follow-up examination to get more definitive results. Testing for drug abuse through rapid drug testing is the easiest way to get quick results. One example of a product of a rapid drug test is DIMA™ Drug Of Abuse Card Test.

DIMA™ Drug Of Abuse Card Test is a screening test for drug abuse ranging from simple immunoassay tests to complex analytical procedures. Immunoassay has become the most widely used method due to its speed and sensitivity in urine screening for drug abuse tests. The way DIMA™ Drug Of Abuse Card Test works is based on the very specific principle of immunochemical reactions, which are used for the analysis of specific compounds of human urine. DIMA™ Drug Of Abuse Card Test is an immunoassay method that can be used simultaneously (multiline), qualitative detection for the type of drugs and or their metabolites.

Drug of Abuse (DoA)
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