Metabolic Disease State
Wide range of uric acid levels (3 - 20 mg / dL) | It ensures that quantitative test results can be obtained in both high and low levels of uric acid. |
The blood sample required is small (≧ 1.5 μL) | Minimizes pain during the examination as there is no need to insert it too deeply. |
Packaged separately | The strip can be used until its expiration date and is not affected by water due to its individual packaging. |
Metabolic Disease State
UASure, the blood uric acid monitoring system, uses advanced biosensor technology. A new generation handheld system on the market for healthcare professionals and even individual users with the convenience of a portable device and easy operation for self-monitoring of blood uric acid. PT Isotekindo Intertama is a distributor for UASure Blood Uric Acid Monitoring System Products which is official and registered with the Ministry of Health.
Metabolic Disease State
Test strip berisi reagen pereaksi asam urat. Tujuan penggunaan produk adalah untuk memonitor kadar asam urat darah melalui pengukuran asam urat oleh diri sendiri atau profesional praktisi The test strip contains uric acid reagent. The purpose of using this product is to monitor blood uric acid levels by measuring uric acid by yourself or by a healthcare professional. PT Isotekindo Intertama is a distributor for UASure Blood Strips for Uric Acid Test Products which are official and registered with the MINISTRY OF HEALTH.
Metabolic Disease State
The UASure II Blood Uric Acid Monitoring System employs advanced biosensor technology and is the first hand-held system for both healthcare professionals and individual users with the convenience of a portable device and easy operation for blood uric acid self-monitoring. PT Isotekindo Intertama is a distributor for UASure II Blood Uric Acid Monitoring System Products which is official and registered with the Ministry of Health.
Metabolic Disease State
Tes strip untuk sistem pemantauan Asam Urat darah menggunakan teknologi biosensor canggih dan merupakan sistem genggam pertama untuk profesional kesehatan dan pengguna individu dengan kenyamanan perangkat portabel dan pengoperasian yang mudah untuk pemantauan mandiri asam urat darah. PT Isotekindo Intertama merupakan distributor Produk Sistem Monitoring Asam Urat Darah UAsure II yang resmi dan terdaftar di Kementerian Kesehatan.