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28 June 2022

Quoted from the Indonesian Ministry of Health's P2PTM, the Indonesian Minister of Health Nila F. Moeloek (2018) said that the stunting problem in Indonesia is not only a problem in the health sector but also a problem that must be solved together. Minister of Health Nila F. Moeloek also reminded me how much it would be a loss for this nation if there was still stunting in Indonesia. “Qualified human resources are needed to build this country. For that, let's work together to solve the stunting problem in a holistic and integrated way".

Stunting is a condition of chronic nutritional problems which is characterized by a lack of height or length of a child accompanied by a lack of cognitive abilities in children. One of the risk factors for stunting in children is the weight that does not increase continuously or does not match the minimum weight gain (KBM). According to WHO, growth in children is a strong marker of healthy growth, given its relationship to risk of birth and death, non-communicable diseases, and learning capacity and productivity.

According to WHO, around 22.2% or 150.8 million children under five in the world are stunted. The results of Riskesdas 2018 show that the proportion of stunting status in Indonesia is 30.8%. Nutritional problems are caused by a lack of nutrient intake which can be described by looking at the weight gain of children under five.

In handling stunting in Indonesia, the Indonesian Ministry of Health has carried out specific nutrition interventions. The forms include macro and micro nutrition supplementation (blood supplement tablets, Vitamin A, taburia); exclusive breastfeeding and complementary feeding; Fortification; Balanced nutrition campaign; Implementation of classes for pregnant women; administration of Deworming Medicine; Handling malnutrition; and JKN (National Health Insurance).

In addition, there are also 5 tips to prevent stunting including:

  1. Meet the nutritional needs since pregnancy

A relatively effective way to prevent stunting is to fulfill the nutrition of mothers and children since pregnancy. It is recommended that pregnant women always consume healthy foods or supplements based on doctors' recommendations. In addition, pregnant women are also advised to regularly check their condition with a doctor or midwife. One of the conditions of concern is the level of hemoglobin in the blood, which if the amount is less, can cause anemia. In pregnant women, anemia interferes with health and increases the risk of adverse outcomes for both mother and baby. Anemia affects half a billion women of reproductive age worldwide. In 2011, 29% (496 million) of non-pregnant women and 38% (32.4 million) of pregnant women aged 15-49 years suffered from anemia.

PT Isotekindo Intertama provides a POCT (Point Of Care Test) tool for checking Hemoglobin levels in the blood which is practical and convenient to use because it only requires a small sample (1µL). This is the first biosensor technology for screening hemoglobin In Indonesia, using HemoSmart GOLD Hemoglobin Screening Meter

The features and other benefits are:

  1. HemoSmart GOLD Hemoglobin Screening Meter only requires 1μL of blood. The measuring range is wide, 4.0-24.0 g/dL. The wide measurement range will make the HemoSmart GOLD Hemoglobin Screening Meter very easy to monitor hemoglobin in both low and high conditions
  2. HemoSmart GOLD Hemoglobin Screening Meter only takes 5 seconds, HemoSmart GOLD Hemoglobin Screening Meter can read hemoglobin in the blood in a very short time making it more efficient.
  3. HemoSmart GOLD Hemoglobin Screening Meter with a small sample volume of 1µL whole blood. With a very small sample size and using whole blood cells, the HemoSmart GOLD Hemoglobin Screening Meter can show an accurate profile of hemoglobin in the blood, thus guaranteeing excessive pain in blood test sampling.

    2. Babies are exclusively breastfed for 6 months

Veronika Scherbaum, a nutritionist from the University of Hohenheim, Germany, said that breastfeeding has the potential to prevent stunting in children. Therefore, mothers are advised to exclusively breastfeed their children for six months. Whey protein and colostrum found in breast milk can boost the immune system of babies who are still vulnerable.

   3. Healthy complementary foods to accompany breastfeeding

When the baby is more than six months old, the mother is advised to start giving complementary foods to breast milk (MPASI). Ensure that the food provided is able to meet the needs of micro and macronutrients to prevent stunting.

   4. Consistently monitor children's growth

Parents should continue to monitor their baby's growth, especially the child's weight and height. Take the child to the Posyandu or children's clinic regularly so that treatment steps can be taken immediately if there are health problems.

  5. Children are very vulnerable to disease, especially if the environment around them is dirty.

This factor can also increase the risk of stunting. Therefore, parents must ensure that the home environment is always clean and safe so that children can continue to grow healthy.



  1. Insert Pack Hemosmart GOLD Hemoglobin Screening Meter.
  2. P2PM Kemenkes Indonesia (2018). Sinergi Bersama dalam Intervensi Penurunan Stunting Terintegrasi
  3. UNICEF (2019). Strategy For Stunting Reduction and Prevention.
  4. WHO (2019). Global Target Stunting Prevention.
Hemoglobin & Hematocrit (Hb & Ht)
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