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Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a common virus that can infect the skin and mucous membranes of the body, such as the mouth, throat, cervix, and genital areas. While many people are aware of HPV risks in women, especially related to cervical cancer, there is still a lack of awareness about its impact on men. HPV can also lead to various cancers in men, including penile, anal, and oropharyngeal (mouth and throat) cancers.

Why Should Men Get HPV DNA Testing?
Although the HPV vaccine has been proven effective in preventing infections in both men and women, many men are still unvaccinated and at risk of contracting HPV. HPV in men often shows no symptoms, so the infection can spread unnoticed and cause serious complications later on. HPV DNA testing is a proactive step to detect the virus, especially in men who are at high risk, such as men who have sex with men (MSM) or those with weakened immune systems.

Comparison of HPV-Related Cancer Incidence in Men vs. Women (%)

Globally, more than 70% of HPV-related cancer cases occur in women, primarily due to the high incidence of cervical cancer. About 30% of total HPV-related cancer cases occur in men, with oropharyngeal cancer being the most common.

Benefits of HPV DNA Testing for Men

  1. Early Detection of HPV Infection: HPV DNA testing can detect high-risk HPV types that may lead to cancer before they develop into more serious conditions.
  2. Cancer Prevention: By knowing their HPV status, men can take appropriate preventive measures, such as vaccination or further monitoring.
  3. Reducing Transmission: Men who know their HPV status can take steps to prevent spreading the virus to their sexual partners, reducing the risk of infection within the broader population.

Testing Procedure

  1. Sample Preparation:

    • Using a tool like the  JIANGSU Disposable Sampling Box, a sample is collected from the cervical or genital area with a sterile brush specifically designed for this purpose.
    • The sample is then placed in a Specimen Transport Medium (STM) containing chemicals like Guanidine Thiocyanate (GITC) to preserve cell integrity and prevent contamination.
  2. Transport to Laboratory:

    • The collected sample is securely sent to the laboratory in a sterile container for further analysis.
  3. DNA Extraction:

    • In the lab, the cells in the sample are broken down using a lysis buffer, which inactivates destructive enzymes, to extract the HPV DNA.
  4. DNA Testing:

    • The extracted DNA is analyzed using PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) to detect the presence of HPV DNA.
  5. Results:

    • The test results indicate whether HPV is detected or not, and the findings are provided to the patient or healthcare provider for further action.

Who Should Get Tested?
Sexually active men, especially those with multiple partners or who have sex with other men, should consider getting HPV DNA testing. Additionally, men with a history of cancer or precancerous conditions in the genital or anal areas are also encouraged to undergo testing.

The Importance of Quality Testing Tools
For accurate and safe HPV DNA testing, using reliable sampling tools is essential. The JIANGSU Disposable Sampling Box is a single-use tool designed specifically for the collection of HPV DNA samples. The JIANGSU Disposable Sampling Box ensures safe and efficient sampling, which is crucial for laboratory testing and early detection of HPV infections. PT Isotekindo Intertama, an official distributor registered with the Ministry of Health, provides The JIANGSU Disposable Sampling Box with high-quality sampling kits to support effective HPV testing. The JIANGSU Disposable Sampling Box main features and additional benefits are as follows:

  • Cervical Sampling Brush (Sterile and Individually Wrapped): The  JIANGSU Disposable Sampling Box brush is safe and comfortable, with a gentle yet effective design for cell collection. Each brush is sterilized and individually wrapped to ensure high quality and prevent contamination.
  • Single-Use Design: The  JIANGSU Disposable Sampling Box design minimizes the risk of cross-contamination.
  • Specimen Transport Medium (STM) for Preserving Cell Samples: STM contains specific components that preserve sample integrity until the HPV DNA test is performed.
  • V-shaped Cervix Brush with Ball Tip: The JIANGSU Disposable Sampling Box design allows for easy, painless sample collection, eliminating the need for anesthesia.
  • AKL Registration with the Indonesian Ministry of Health: This certification ensures the product meets safety and quality standards in Indonesia.

HPV DNA testing for men is a crucial tool in preventing HPV-related cancers. Increasing awareness and access to this test can prevent many cancer cases. Men need to recognize the importance of this test, both for their health and to protect their partners from HPV infection. The JIANGSU Disposable Sampling Box, which includes a high-quality specimen transport medium (STM) with Guanidine Thiocyanate (GITC), plays a key role in ensuring accurate and reliable test results, helping to maintain sample integrity until testing is performed.


  1. American Cancer Society. (2020). "HPV Infection in Men". Accessed from:
  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). "HPV and Men - Fact Sheet". Accessed from:
  3. National Cancer Institute (NCI): Offers detailed statistics on HPV-related cancers. NCI - HPV and Cancer
  4. The Lancet Infectious Diseases. (2019). "HPV Infection in Men: Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, and Prevention". Volume 19, Issue 8, Pages 913-914. Accessed from:
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