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28 February 2023

1 in 4 Indonesian children is stunted, and approximately 5 million Indonesian children are stunted, what is stunting?

Stunting is a condition of failure to thrive in toddlers due to long-term malnutrition, exposure to repeated infections, and lack of stimulation. Stunting is influenced by the health status of adolescents, pregnant women, and toddlers' diet, as well as economic, cultural, and environmental factors such as sanitation and access to health services.

What is the stunting prevalence rate in Indonesia?

The stunting rate in 2021 reaches 24% in Indonesia.

What is the gap in the problem of stunting?

  1. 8.3 million out of 12.1 million young women do not consume iron tablets and are at risk of anemia.
  2. 2.8 million out of 4.9 million pregnant women do not check their pregnancies at least 6 times.
  3. 6.5 million of the 22 million toddlers are not monitored for growth and development.
  4. Only 46,000 of the 300,000 Posyandu are actively operating.

What is the difference between normal children and those who are stunted?

The difference between normal and stunted toddlers can be seen in terms of height. Stunted toddlers look shorter than toddlers of their age. However, the invisible difference between the two is that the stunted child's brain is not properly formed and can have long-lasting effects.

What are the campaigns carried out by the government to prevent stunting?

  • (A) Actively taking Blood Supplement Tablets
    1. Consumption of iron tablets for teenage girls 1 tablet once a week
    2. Consumption of blood supplement tablets for pregnant women 1 tablet per day (minimum 90 tablets during pregnancy)
  • (B) Pregnant women regularly check their pregnancy at least 6 times
    1. Check for pregnancy at least 6 (six) times, 2 (two) times by a doctor using USG
  • (C) Consuming enough animal protein
    1. Consumption of animal protein every day for babies over 6 months old
  • (D) Come to Posyandu every month
    1. Datang dan lakukan pemantauan pertumbuhan (timbang dan ukur) dan perkembangan, serta imunisasi balita ke posyandu setiap bulan

  • (E) Exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months
    1. Exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months is continued until the age of 2 years

In addition to routinely consuming blood-boosting tablets, it is also recommended to Regularly control blood hemoglobin levels. Iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy is also associated with having a low birth weight baby and postpartum depression. Taking a prenatal vitamin that contains iron can help prevent and treat iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy. In some cases, your healthcare provider might recommend a separate iron supplement. During pregnancy, you need 27 milligrams of iron a day. Good nutrition can also prevent iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy. Dietary sources of iron include lean red meat, poultry, and fish. Other options include iron-fortified breakfast cereals, dark green leafy vegetables, dried beans, and peas. It should also be balanced with a routine to check Hemoglobin. Examination of Hemoglobin makes it easier for us to monitor the incidence of anemia, therefore, PT Isotekindo Intertama has a device that can assist you in checking Hemoglobin.

PT Isotekindo Intertama provides a POCT (Point Of Care Test) tool for checking Hemoglobin levels in the blood which is practical and convenient to use because it only requires a small sample (1µL). This is the first biosensor technology for screening hemoglobin In Indonesia, using HemoSmart GOLD Hemoglobin Screening Meter.

The features and other benefits are:



  1. Insert Kit HemoSmart GOLD Hemoglobin Screening Meter
  2. Cegah stunting itu penting. (2022) Kementerian Kesehatan
  3. Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Diponegoro, 2012, Population Reference Bureau, 2012, National Center of Biotechnolgoy Information (NCBI), 2014
  4. Capaian intervensi spesifik (intervensi yang mengatasi penyebab langsung dari stunting) | 2. Tablet Tambah Darah. Kemenkes, 2022.
Hemoglobin & Hematocrit (Hb & Ht)
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